Crystal structure of human Karyopherin β2 bound to the PY-NLS of Saccharomyces cerevisiae Nab2

Journal of Structural and Functional Genomics - Tập 14 - Trang 31-35 - 2013
Michael Soniat1, Parthasarathy Sampathkumar2, Garen Collett1, Anthony S. Gizzi2, Radhika N. Banu2, Rahul C. Bhosle2, Swetha Chamala2, Sukanya Chowdhury2, Andras Fiser2,3, Alan S. Glenn2, James Hammonds2, Brandan Hillerich2, Kamil Khafizov2,3, James D. Love2, Bridget Matikainen2, Ronald D. Seidel2, Rafael Toro2, P. Rajesh Kumar2, Jeffery B. Bonanno2, Yuh Min Chook1, Steven C. Almo2
1Department of Pharmacology, University of Texas Southwestern, Dallas, USA
2Department of Biochemistry, Albert Einstein College of Medicine, Bronx, USA
3Department of Systems and Computational Biology, Albert Einstein College of Medicine, Bronx, USA

Tóm tắt

Import-Karyopherin or Importin proteins bind nuclear localization signals (NLSs) to mediate the import of proteins into the cell nucleus. Karyopherin β2 or Kapβ2, also known as Transportin, is a member of this transporter family responsible for the import of numerous RNA binding proteins. Kapβ2 recognizes a targeting signal termed the PY-NLS that lies within its cargos to target them through the nuclear pore complex. The recognition of PY-NLS by Kapβ2 is conserved throughout eukaryotes. Kap104, the Kapβ2 homolog in Saccharomyces cerevisiae, recognizes PY-NLSs in cargos Nab2, Hrp1, and Tfg2. We have determined the crystal structure of Kapβ2 bound to the PY-NLS of the mRNA processing protein Nab2 at 3.05-Å resolution. A seven-residue segment of the PY-NLS of Nab2 is observed to bind Kapβ2 in an extended conformation and occupies the same PY-NLS binding site observed in other Kapβ2·PY-NLS structures.

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