Impact of anthropogenic activities on the groundwater resources of the unconfined aquifer of Triffa plain (Eastern Morocco)
Tóm tắt
Located at the northeastern part of Morocco, the plain of Triffa is characterized by a semi-arid climate where water resources are rather fragile and influenced by a highly irregular rainfall distribution, both in time (annual and inter-annual distribution) and in space. The mean annual rainfall does not exceed 240 mm. In the Triffa plain, the impact of anthropogenic activities on the groundwater resources is reflected both by (a) the decrease in the piezometric level due to the over exploitation and droughts and (b) the deterioration of the chemical quality of water. Currently, this situation is felt mainly by the farmers. The unconfined aquifer is under stress due to the increase of the pollution rate, especially by nitrates that are above the WHO standards, and salinity. Organochlorine pesticides are ubiquitous and persistent organic pollutants used widely in agriculture. Due to their extensive use in agriculture, organic environment contaminants such as hexachlorocyclohexane, DDT, and DDD along organochlorine pesticides are distributed globally by transport through water. Pesticides such as aldrin, lindane, and heptachlor have also been detected and were considered as indicators showing the need to inform and to train farmers on the pesticides and fertilizers use in order to reduce the threat of groundwater contamination.
Tài liệu tham khảo
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