Quasi-ideal cascades with an additional flow for separation of multicomponent isotope mixtures

G. A. Sulaberidze1, V. D. Borisevich2, Quanxin Xie2
1Moscow Engineering Physics Institute (State University), Moscow, Russia
2Research Institute of Physical and Chemical Engineering of Nuclear Industry, Tianjin, China

Tóm tắt

The theory of the R-cascade is generalized to a cascade with an additional external flow, which can be either one more feed flow to the cascade or an additional product flow from the separator at arbitrary degrees of enrichment in the stages of the cascade. Calculations are performed for the enrichment of recycled fuel in the R-cascade to a necessary concentration, provided that the effect of the isotope 236U is compensated and the concentration of the isotope 232U is decreased. It is demonstrated that the theory of the R-cascade with an additional product flow from an intermediate section of the cascade with the maximal component concentration and an intermediate mass number can be used to calculate the optimal conditions in simultaneous separation of several enriched isotopes in the cascade.

Tài liệu tham khảo

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