Tracking on-farm innovations to unearth alternatives to the dominant soybean-based system in the Argentinean Pampa

Chloe Salembier1, Julio Horacio Elverdin2, Jean-Marc Meynard3,4
1INRA, UE0411 Alénya Roussillon, Alénya, France
2INTA, Balcarce Integrated Unit, Balcarce, Argentina
3INRA, UMR 1048 SAD APT, Thiverval-Grignon, France
4AgroParisTech, UMR 1048 SAD APT, Thiverval-Grignon, France

Tóm tắt

Farming activities in the Argentinean Pampa have focused on soybean production since the 1990s. The resulting cropping systems may not be sustainable in the long run due to development of glyphosate-tolerant weeds, homogenization of landscape mosaics, and pollutions. Here, we used the tracking on-farm innovation method to produce resources for the design of alternatives. The five steps of tracking on-farm innovation were (1) characterization of the soybean-based dominant cropping system, (2) identification of producers developing alternative systems, (3) description of these cropping systems and their agronomic logic, which is the link between the producer practices and their motives when choosing these practices, (4) multicriteria assessment of the performances of the systems, and (5) analysis of the development conditions of the most efficient systems. We identified 22 alternative cropping systems developed by farmers. These systems all include original practices: diversification of crop rotations (22 cases), occasional return to tillage (15 cases), and low pesticide use (16 cases). Some alternative systems were more sustainable than the soybean-based system, as shown by lower economic risk level, better ability to maintain soil organic carbon content, and less glyphosate-tolerant weeds. Our results show overall that tracking on-farm innovations is an efficient method to get references on alternative cropping systems developed by farmers.

Từ khóa

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