Surfactant free solvothermal synthesis of Cu3BiS3 nanoparticles and the study of band alignments with n-type window layers for applications in solar cells: Experimental and theoretical approach

Journal of Alloys and Compounds - Tập 866 - Trang 158447 - 2021
M.V. Morales-Gallardo1, Jojhar E. Pascoe-Sussoni1, Cornelio Delesma1, X. Mathew1, F. Paraguay-Delgado2, Jesús Muñiz1, N.R. Mathews1
1Instituto de Energías Renovables, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, Priv. Xochicalco s/n, Col. Centro, Temixco, Morelos CP 62580, Mexico
2Centro de Investigación en Materiales Avanzados, Miguel de Cervantes 120, Chihuahua CP 31136, México

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