Spatial uncertainties in fluoride levels and health risks in endemic fluorotic regions of northern Tanzania

Groundwater for Sustainable Development - Tập 14 - Trang 100618 - 2021
Julian Ijumulana1,2,3, Fanuel Ligate1,2,4, Regina Irunde1,2,5, Prosun Bhattacharya1,6, Jyoti Prakash Maity7, Arslan Ahmad6,8,9, Felix Mtalo2
1KTH-International Groundwater Arsenic Research Group, Department of Sustainable Development, Environmental Science and Engineering, KTH Royal Institute of Technology,Teknikringen 10B, SE-100 44 Stockholm, Sweden
2Department of Water Resources Engineering, College of Engineering and Technology, University of Dar Es Salaam, Dar Es Salaam, Tanzania
3Department of Transportation and Geotechnical Engineering, College of Engineering and Technology, University of Dar Es Salaam, Dar Es Salaam, Tanzania
4Department of Chemistry, Mkwawa College of Education, University of Dar es Salaam, Tanzania
5Department of Chemistry, College of Natural and Applied Sciences, University of Dar Es Salaam, Tanzania
6KWR Water Cycle Research Institute, Groningenhaven 7, 3433 PE Nieuwegein, The Netherlands
7Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences, National Chung Cheng University, 168 University Road, Min-Hsiung, Chiayi County, 62102, Taiwan
8SIBELCO Ankerpoort NV, Op de Bos 300, 6223 EP Maastricht, the Netherlands
9Department of Environmental Technology, Wageningen University and Research (WUR), Wageningen, The Netherlands

Tài liệu tham khảo

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