Behavior of γ-ray-irradiated pullulan in aqueous solutions of cationic (cetyltrimethylammonium hydroxide) and anionic (sodium dodecyl sulfate) surfactants

Springer Science and Business Media LLC - Tập 280 - Trang 176-182 - 2002
K. I. Shingel1, P. T. Petrov1
1Scientific Pharmaceutical Centre Belmedpreparaty Pharmaceutical Co. 30 Fabtritsius Street 220001 Minsk, Belarus e-mails: [email protected] [email protected],

Tóm tắt

 γ-ray-irradiated pullulan macromolecules acquire properties of an anionic polyelectrolyte and, upon aggregation with the oppositely charged surfactant cetyltrimethylammonium hydroxide, are found to precipitate according to their molecular weight. This provides a convenient means for obtaining polymer fractions with a narrower molecular-weight distribution than those of the original samples. The method can be employed to obtain fractions of radiation-modified pullulan required in the production of a blood-plasma substitute. Anionic properties of γ-ray-irradiated pullulan also manifest themselves in interactions with sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS) in aqueous solution, which result in a significant change in the viscous behavior of the polysaccharide. Upon an increase in the concentration of γ-ray-irradiated pullulan in an SDS solution, the reduced viscosity of the polymer first increases and, upon reaching a certain concentration, C*, decreases. The C* values were found to be dependent on the molecular weight of the polymer. The phenomena observed are discussed in terms of the general theory of polymer solutions within which C* is treated as a critical concentration at which interpenetration of polymer molecules becomes important. Unperturbed dimensions of γ-ray-irradiated pullulan macromolecules were estimated on the basis of experimental viscosimetric data.