Developing a National Index of Subjective Wellbeing: The Australian Unity Wellbeing Index

Springer Science and Business Media LLC - Tập 64 - Trang 159-190 - 2003
Robert A. Cummins1, Richard Eckersley2, Julie Pallant3, Jackie van Vugt4, RoseAnne Misajon5
1School of Psychology, Deakin University, Melbourne, Australia Author for correspondence
2National Centre for Epidemiology and Population Health, Australian National University, Australia
3School of Mathematical Sciences, Swinburne University, Australia
4Australian Unity Limited, Australia
5School of Psychology, Deakin University, Australia

Tóm tắt

The Australian Unity Wellbeing Index has beendesigned as a new barometer of Australians'satisfaction with their lives, and life inAustralia. It is based on, and develops, thetheoretical model of subjective wellbeinghomeostasis. The Index comprises two sub-scalesof Personal and National Wellbeing. Data werecollected through a nationally representativesample of 2,000 people in April/May 2001.Factor analysis confirmed the integrity of thetwo sub-scales and, confirming empiricalexpectation, the average level of lifesatisfaction was 75.5 percent of the scalemaximum score. Group comparisons revealed thatall age groups maintained their Personal Indexscore within the normal range. In addition,people in country areas were more satisfiedwith their personal lives than city-dwellers,but less satisfied about the nationalsituation, and people who had recentlyexperienced a strong positive event evidenced arise in wellbeing, whereas those who hadexperienced a strong negative event evidencedwellbeing in the low-normal range. It is arguedthat these data generally support homeostatictheory. However, an unusual result was thatfemales were more satisfied with their ownlives than males. A tentative argument isadvanced that this may represent aconstitutional difference. It is concluded thatthe Australian Unity Wellbeing Index haspotential as a valid, reliable and sensitiveinstrument to monitor national wellbeing.

Tài liệu tham khảo

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