Asymmetric vortices flow over slender body and its active control at high angle of attack

Acta Mechanica Sinica - Tập 20 - Trang 567-579 - 2004
Deng Xueying1, Wang Yankui1
1Institute of Fluid Mechanics, Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Beijing, China

Tóm tắt

The studies of asymmetric vortices flow over slender body and its active control at high angles of attack have significant importance for both academic field and engineering area. This paper attempts to provide an update state of art to the investigations on the fields of forebody asymmetric vortices. This review emphasizes the correlation between micro-perturbation on the model nose and its response and evolution behaviors of the asymmetric vortices. The critical issues are discussed, which include the formation and evolution mechanism of asymmetric multi-vortices; main behaviors of asymmetric vortices flow including its deterministic feature and vortices flow structure; the evolution and development of asymmetric vortices under the perturbation on the model nose; forebody vortex active control especially discussed micro-perturbation active control concept and technique in more detail. However present understanding in this area is still very limited and this paper tries to identify the key unknown problems in the concluding remarks.

Tài liệu tham khảo

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