Optimization Decision of Supplier Selection in Green Procurement under the Mode of Low Carbon Economy
Tóm tắt
Under the background of economic globalization, selecting a path of low-carbon economic development and developing green supply chains are the inevitable choice of realizing the sustainable development for the enterprises. In this paper, we investigate the optimization decision problem of supplier selection in green procurement under the mode of low carbon economy. Concretely, we construct a new evaluation system for green supplier selection by considering commercial criterion and environmental criterion, and then present a decision method with 2-tuple linguistic assessments for green supplier selection. In this proposed decision method, all original decision data are transformed into linguistic 2-tuples, and then a ranking method based on 2-tuple weighted averaging (TWA) operator and 2-tuple ordered weighted averaging (TOWA) operator is presented to rank all alternative suppliers. Moreover, we provide an application decision making example of green supplier selection and compare our method with the method of linguistic 2-tuple Technique for Order Preference by Similarity to an Ideal Solution (LT-TOPSIS) to demonstrate the practicality and effectiveness of our decision method.
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