Level-set methods for structural topology optimization: a review

Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization - Tập 48 - Trang 437-472 - 2013
N. P. van Dijk1, K. Maute2, M. Langelaar3, F. van Keulen3
1Uppsala University, Uppsala, Sweden
2University of Colorado, Boulder USA
3Delft University of Technology, CD Delft, The Netherlands

Tóm tắt

This review paper provides an overview of different level-set methods for structural topology optimization. Level-set methods can be categorized with respect to the level-set-function parameterization, the geometry mapping, the physical/mechanical model, the information and the procedure to update the design and the applied regularization. Different approaches for each of these interlinked components are outlined and compared. Based on this categorization, the convergence behavior of the optimization process is discussed, as well as control over the slope and smoothness of the level-set function, hole nucleation and the relation of level-set methods to other topology optimization methods. The importance of numerical consistency for understanding and studying the behavior of proposed methods is highlighted. This review concludes with recommendations for future research.

Tài liệu tham khảo

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