MCMI-III Results for Batterer Program Participants in Four Cities: Less “Pathological” Than Expected

Journal of Family Violence - Tập 14 - Trang 1-17 - 1999
Edward W. Gondolf1
1Mid-Atlantic Addiction Training Institute, Indiana University of Pennsylvania, Indiana

Tóm tắt

Previous research using diagnostic inventories describe the extent and nature of psychopathology among batterers. MCMI-III scores from batterers in a multisite program evaluation (n = 840) were used to replicate this previous research. As in previous batterer research using the MCMI-I and MCMI-II, the MCMI-III results suggest a complex diversity of psychological problems that does not readily conform to previous profiles. However, less than half of the men had scores suggesting a personality disorder (BR scores ≥ 85), as opposed to 80% in a previous batterer study using the MCMI-II. Only one quarter of the men (25%) show evidence of a “severe” mental disorder. Narcissistic or antisocial tendencies were evident in 39% of our batterer sample, reflecting the sense of “entitlement” often attributed to batterers. Voluntary, as opposed to court-referred men, were more likely to have depressive and dependent tendencies and evidence of severe disorders. Our multisite sample appears to be less “pathological” than previous batterer samples and samples of psychiatric or drug outpatients.

Tài liệu tham khảo

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