<i>P–T–X</i> relationships in the Precambrian Al–Mg‐rich granulites from In Ouzzal, Hoggar, Algeria

Journal of Metamorphic Geology - Tập 10 Số 1 - Trang 17-31 - 1992
Philippe Bertrand1, Khadidja Ouzegane2, Jean-Robert Kiénast3
1Laboratoire de Pétrologie Physique, Université Paris-7 and I.P.G.P, CNRS-URA 1093, 75251 Paris Cedex 05, France
2Institut des Sciences de la Terre, U.S.T.H.B., Alger, Algeria
3Laboratoire de Pétrologie Métamorphique, Université Paris 7, CNRS‐URA 736, 75251 Paris Cedex 05, France

Tóm tắt

The Al–Mg‐rich granulites from the In Ouzzal craton, Algeria, show a great diversity of mineral reactions which correspond to continuous equilibria as predicted by phase relationships in the FeO–MgO–Al2O3–SiO2 system. The sequence of mineral reactions can be subdivided into three distinct stages: (1) a high‐P stage characterized by the growth of coarse mineral assemblages involving sapphirine and the disappearance of early corundum and spinel‐bearing assemblages; (2) a high‐T stage characterized by the development of Sa–Qz‐bearing assemblages; and (3) a later stage, in which garnet‐bearing assemblages are replaced by more or less fine symplectites involving cordierite.During the course of early mineral reactions, the distribution coefficient, Kd, between the various ferromagnesian phases decreased significantly whereas Al2O3 in pyroxene increased concomitantly. These observations, when combined with topological constraints, clearly indicate that the high‐P stage 1 was accompanied by a significant rise in temperature (estimated at 150 ± 50° C) under near isobaric conditions, in agreement with the reaction textures. By stage 2, pressure and temperature were extreme as evidenced by the low Kd value between orthopyroxene and garnet (Kd= 2.06–1.99), the high alumina content in pyroxene (up to 11.8%) and the high magnesium content in garnet [100 Mg/(Mg + Fe) = 60.6]. Mineral thermometry based on Fe–Mg exchange between garnet and pyroxene and on Al‐solubility in pyroxene gives temperatures close to 970 ± 70° C at 10 ± 1.5 kbar. These results are in agreement with the development of Sa–Qz assemblages on a local scale.Late mineral reactions have been produced during a decompression stage from about 9 to 6 kbar. Except for local re‐equilibration of Mg and Fe at grain boundaries, there is no evidence for further reactions below 700° C.We interpreted the whole set of mineral reactions as due to changes in pressure and temperature during a tectonic episode located at c. 2 Ga. Because of the lack of evidence for further uplift after the thermal relaxation which occurred at c. 6 kbar, it is possible however that the exhumation of this granulitic terrane occurred in a later tectonic event unrelated to its formation.

Từ khóa

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