‘He Wasn’t Falling Apart … We were Falling Apart’ Understanding the Mental Health Impacts on Parents of Youth Who Sexually Offend

Journal of Family Violence - Tập 33 - Trang 491-505 - 2018
Elisa Romano1, Christine Gervais2
1School of Psychology, University of Ottawa, Ottawa, Canada
2Department of Criminology, University of Ottawa, Ottawa, Canada

Tóm tắt

Youth sexual offending is a serious societal concern that impacts the well-being of multiple individuals, including caregivers. The current study used a mixed-methods design to examine the mental health consequences to parents of youth who have committed a sexual offence. Semi-structured interviews and self-report questionnaires were employed with 16 parents from 10 families in Canada. Seven themes emerged from our quantitative and qualitative analyses: immediate emotional impacts; perceived stress; mood difficulties; hopelessness; and coping strategies (avoidance, problem solving, social support). We also examined ongoing parenting challenges in addressing the repercussions of the offending behavior, as well as parents’ hopes for the future of their family. Overall, findings point to the necessity of providing intervention services to parents not only to help them meet the needs of sexual offending-affected children but also to ensure their well-being so that they are able to more effectively advocate for the children in their care.

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